Board of Trustees Policies and Administrative Procedures

Board Policies and Administrative Procedures work hand-in-hand to actualize the vision and priorities of the District.

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Board Policies

Board Policies (BPs) are guidelines officially adopted by the Board of Trustees that establish standards for the District. They define goals and practices as well as implement federal and state laws and regulations.

Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedures (APs) provide the rules and guidelines by which BPs are implemented. Administrative Procedures are decided on by the Chancellor, college presidents, and other District administration. APs don’t require Board action to establish or update.

Updating Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

Both Board Policies and Administrative Procedures are routinely reviewed  and updated as necessary to keep current with changes in laws or to clarify language.

Administrative Guide Items

Relevant documents that were carried over from the District's previous policy system can be found below.

Document Library

Go to the District's official documents library to view and search for Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes, Administrative Guides, Board Resolutions, and more.


Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

Administrative Guide
TitleBoard PolicyAdministrative Procedure
Code of Ethics for Faculty3003 
Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring Policy3004 
Adjunct Faculty Hiring3010 Policy3010 Procedure
Chapter 1 The District
TitleBoard PolicyAdministrative Procedure
The North Orange CCDBP 1000 
District Mission, Vision & Values StatementBP 1001 
PhilosophyBP 1002 
Chapter 2 Board of Trustees
TitleBoard PolicyAdministrative Procedure
Board MembershipBP 2010 
Student MembersBP 2015AP 2015
Board ElectionsBP 2100 
Election of Student MembersBP 2105AP 2105
Vacancies of the BoardBP 2110AP 2110
Board Duties and ResponsibilitiesBP 2200 
OfficersBP 2210 
Committees of the BoardBP 2220 
Annual Organization MeetingBP 2305 
Regular Meetings of the BoardBP 2310 
Closed SessionsBP 2315 
Special and Emergency MeetingsBP 2320AP 2320
Quorum and VotingBP 2330 
AgendasBP 2340AP 2340
Public Participation at Board MeetingsBP 2345AP 2345
SpeakersBP 2350AP 2350
DecorumBP 2355 
MinutesBP 2360AP 2360
RecordingBP 2365AP 2365
Board Policies and Administrative ProceduresBP 2410AP 2410
Delegation of Authority to ChancellorBP-2430AP 2430
Chancellor SelectionBP 2431AP 2431
Chancellor SuccessionBP 2432 
Evaluation of ChancellorBP 2435AP 2435
Participation in Local Decision-makingBP 2510AP 2510
Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining ProposalsBP 2610AP 2610
Conflict of InterestBP 2710AP 2710
Distribution of Tickets or Passes AP 2714
Code of Ethics/Standards of PracticeBP 2715AP 2715
Political ActivityBP 2716 
Personal Use of Public ResourcesBP 2717 
Communications Among Board membersBP 2720 
Board Member CompensationBP 2725 
Board Member Health BenefitsBP 2730 
Board Member TravelBP 2735AP 2735
Board Professional Development/EducationBP 2740AP 2740
Board Self-EvaluationBP 2745AP 2745
Board Member Absence from the StateBP 2750 
Chapter 3 General Institution
TitleBoard PolicyAdministrative Procedure
Institutional Code of EthicsBP 3050AP 3050
Organizational StructureBP 3100AP 3100
AccreditationBP 3200AP 3200
Institutional EffectivenessBP 3225AP 3225
Institutional PlanningBP 3250AP 3250
GrantsBP 3280AP 3280
Public RecordsBP 3300AP 3300
Records Retention and DestructionBP 3310AP 3310
Unlawful DiscriminationBP 3410AP 3410
Discriminación IlegalBP 3410 
Immigration Enforcement Activities AP 3415
Prohibition of HarassmentBP 3430 
Prohibición de AcosoBP 3430 
Responding to Harassment Based on Sex Under Title IX AP 3434
Service AnimalsBP 3440 
Campus Safety BP 3500AP 3500
Campus Security and AccessBP 3501AP 3501
Emergency Response PlanBP 3505 
Workplace ViolenceBP 3510AP 3510
Reporting of CrimesBP 3515AP 3515
Registered Sex Offender Information AP 3516
Child Abuse ReportingBP3518AP 3518
Local Law EnforcementBP 3520AP 3520
Weapons on CampusBP 3530AP 3530
Sexual Assaults and Other Sexual MisconductBP 3540AP 3540
Drug-Free Environment and Drug PreventionBP 3550AP 3550
Alcoholic BeveragesBP 3560AP 3560
Smoking on Campus AP 3570
Sustainability Plan - Environmental SustainabilityBP 3580AP 3580
Auxiliary OrganizationsBP3600AP 3600
Computer and Electronic Communication SystemsBP 3720AP 3720
District Password Procedure AP 3721
District Data Security Standards for End Users AP 3722
WebsitesBP 3740AP 3740
Claims Against the DistrictBP 3810AP 3810
Gifts and DonationsBP 3820AP 3820
Flying of National, State, Military and Commemorative FlagsBP 3830 
Speech: Time, Place and MannerBP 3900AP 3900
Chapter 4 Academic Affairs
TitleBoard PolicyAdministrative Procedure
Academic CalendarBP 4010AP-4010
Program and Curriculum DevelopmentBP 4020AP 4020
Educational Program DiscontinuanceBP 4021AP 4021
Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General EducationBP 4025AP 4025
Philosophy and Criteria for International Education AP 4026
Philosophy and Criteria for Continuing EducationBP 4027AP 4027
Academic FreedomBP 4030AP 4030
Library and Learning Support ServicesBP 4040AP 4040
Articulation BP 4050AP 4050
Delineation of Functions AgreementsBP 4060AP 4060 
Course Auditing and Auditing FeesBP 4070AP 4070
Graduation Requirements for Degrees and CertificatesBP 4100AP 4100
Independent Study AP 4101
Career and Technical Education Programs AP 4102
Work Experience AP 4103
Contract Education AP 4104
Distance and Correspondence Education AP 4105
Nursing ProgramsBP 4106AP 4106
Honorary DegreesBP 4110AP 4110
Standards of ScholarshipBP 4220AP 4220
Remedial Coursework AP 4222
Course RepetitionBP 4225AP 4225
Multiple and Overlapping EnrollmentsBP 4226AP 4226
Grade ChangesBP 4231AP 4231
Pass/No Pass Grading OptionBP 4232AP 4232
Credit for Prior LearningBP 4235AP 4235
Academic RenewalBP 4240AP 4240
Probation, Dismissal and ReadmissionBP 4250AP 4250
Prerequisites, Corequisites and AdvisoriesBP 4260AP 4260
Field Trips and ExcursionsBP 4300AP 4300
Community Services ProgramsBP 4400AP 4400
Student News AP 4500
Instructional Service Agreements AP 4610
Chapter 5 Student Services
TitleBoard PolicyAdministrative Procedure
Admissions and Concurrent EnrollmentBP 5010AP 5010
Admission and Concurrent Enrollment of High School and Other Young Students AP 5011
International Students AP 5012
Students in the Military AP 5013
Residence Determination BP 5015AP 5015
Non-Resident TuitionBP 5020AP 5020
FeesBP 5030AP 5030
Instructional Materials Fees AP 5031
Withholding of Student RecordsBP 5035AP 5035
Student Records, Directory Information and PrivacyBP 5040AP 5040
Student Records Gender and Chosen Names AP 5041
Student Records Challenging Content and Access Log AP 5045
Student Success and Support ProgramBP 5050AP 5050
Open EnrollmentBP 5052AP 5052
Enrollment PrioritiesBP 5055AP 5055
Attendance AP 5070
Credit Course Adds and Drops AP 5075
CounselingBP 5110AP 5110
Transfer CenterBP 5120AP 5120
Financial Aid InformationBP 5130AP 5130
Disabled Student Programs and ServicesBP 5140AP 5140
Extended Opportunity Programs and ServicesBP 5150AP 5150
Student Health ServicesBP 5200AP 5200
Student Accident InsuranceBP 5205AP 5205
Communicable DiseasesBP 5210AP 5210
Student EquityBP 5300AP 5300
Associated Students OrganziationsBP 5400AP 5400
Associated Students ElectionsBP 5410AP 5410
Associated Students FinanceBP 5420AP 5420
Standards of Student Conduct and DisciplineBP 5500AP 5500
Student Credit Card SolicitationBP 5570AP 5570
Voter Registration AP 5610
Intercollegiate AthleticsBP 5700 
Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial TransactionsBP 5800AP 5800
Chapter 6 Business and Fiscal Affairs
Title Board PolicyAdministrative Procedure
Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal AffairsBP 6100AP 6100
Designation of Authorized Signatures BP 6150AP 6150
Budget PreparationBP 6200 
Budget ManagementBP 6250AP 6250
Fiscal ManagementBP 6300AP 6300
Debt Issuance and ManagementBP 6307AP 6307
Personal Use of District Property, Facilities and EquipmentBP 6310 
InvestmentsBP 6320 
Purchasing/WarehouseBP 6330 
Bids and ContractsBP 6340 
HospitalityBP 6350 
Coordination and Direction of Legal Services AP 6364
Accessibility of Information Technology AP 6365
District Activities Involving Sale or Catering of FoodBP 6380 
Financial AuditsBP 6400AP 6400
Wireless or Cellular Telephone UseBP 6450 
Property ManagementBP 6500 
Security for District PropertyBP 6520AP 6520
InsuranceBP 6540AP 6540
Disposal of District PropertyBP 6550AP 6550
Capital ConstructionBP 6600 
Naming Facilities and PropertiesBP 6620AP 6620
Civic Center and Other FacilitiesBP 6700AP 6700
Citizens' Oversight CommitteeBP 6740AP 6740
SafetyBP 6800 
BookstoreBP 6900 
Chapter 7 Human Resources
TitleBoard PolicyAdministrative Procedure
Commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity and DiversityBP 7100 
Authority to HireBP 7110 
Recruitment and HiringBP 7120 
(Classified Employee Hiring) AP 7120-3
(Managment Employee Hiring) AP 7120-4
(Interim Appointment to Vacant Management Position) AP 7120-5
(Employment of Non-Classified Short-Term Employees and Substitute Employees) AP 7120-6
(Employment of Student Employees) AP 7120-7
(Employment of Professional Experts) AP 7120-8
(Employment of Special Project Administrators) AP 7120-9
(Applicant Reimbursement) AP 7120-10
(Verification of Eligibility of Employment) AP 7120-11
(Fingerprinting) AP 7120-12
(Employee Records Fender Identity, Gender Expression, and Chosen Name) AP 7120-13
CompensationBP 7130 
(Payroll) AP 7130-1
(District Health and Welfare Benefits Plan) AP 7130-2
(Retirement Systems) AP 7130-3
Professional DevelopmentBP 7160 
FacultyBP 7210 
(Equivalency) AP 7210-1
(Faculty Substitutes) AP 7210-2
(Recognition of Professional Degrees and Coursework) AP 7210-3
(Recognition of Academic Rank) AP 7210-4
Classified EmployeesBP 7220 
Confidential EmployeesBP 7230 
(Workweek, Hours and Overtime) AP 7230-1
(Holidays) AP 7230-2
(Vacation Plan) AP 7230-3
(Leaves) AP 7230-4
(Personnel Files) AP 7230-5
(Professional Growth and Development Program) AP 7230-6
(Evaluation) AP 7230-7
(Transfer, Layoff and Bumping Rights) AP 7230-8
(Disciplinary Action) AP 7230-9
(Salary Provisions) AP 7230-10
(Complaint Process) AP 7230-11
(Proposals by Confidential Employees Group Regarding Employee-Related Issues) AP 7230-12
(Classification Review) AP 7230-13
Management Employees BP-7240 
(Workweek; Teaching by Managers) AP 7240-1
(Holidays) AP 7240-2
(Vacation Plan) AP 7240-3
(Leaves) AP 7240-4
(Personnel Files) AP 7240-5
(Professional Growth and Development Program) AP 7240-6
(Evaluation) AP 7240-7
(Academic Management Employee Retreat Rights; Classified Management Employee Layoff and Bumping Rights) AP 7240-8
(Disciplinary Action) AP 7240-9
(Salary Provisions) AP 7240-10
(Complaint Process) AP 7240-11
(Proposals by District Management Association Regarding Employee Related Issues) AP 7240-12
(Classification Review) AP 7240-13
NepotismBP 7310 
Communicable Disease CertificationBP 7330AP 7330
Family Medical LeaveBP 7340AP 7340
ResignationBP 7350AP 7350
Political ActivityBP 7370 
Travel and Conference AttendanceBP 7400AP 7400
Campus Safety OfficersBP 7600AP 7600
Whistleblower ProtectionBP 7700AP 7700