blue light emergency tower

Campus Safety and Emergency Management

About Campus Safety and Emergency Management at NOCCCD

NOCCCD is dedicated to ensuring the safety, security, and peace of our campus communities. We support and facilitate the achievement of NOCCCD's mission and objectives by maintaining a peaceful, safe and secure campus environment that is accessible and inviting to students, faculty, staff, and guests.

It is the duty of all District employees to be the first responders to medical, fire, and other emergencies. NOCCCD has well-defined emergency procedures and a communications system for quickly distributing information on emergencies and disasters.

campus safety officers at anaheim campus

Emergency Services

NOCCCD develops, implements, and continuously improves a comprehensive District emergency management program.

The District strives towards creating a campus culture of resilience and preparedness. By providing training and awareness to our campus community, we will work together to achieve a state of readiness to overcome emergencies and other disruptions.

Our emergency program is based on fire and occupational health and safety regulations and standards, California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), National Incident Management System (NIMS), the Clery Act, and accepted emergency planning and management professional practices, operating under the umbrella of the District Emergency Operations Plan (EOP).

Emergency Procedures 

Types of Emergencies & Procedures

Staff members can find more detailed information via MyGateway in the Employee tab: Emergency Preparedness Channel.

  • The active shooter will dictate the circumstances of the encounter. Hide or conceal yourself from the suspect(s). DO NOT hide in the restroom.
  • Close and lock all doors to classrooms
  • If your door cannot be locked from the inside, stack desks, tables, and chairs to form a barricade
  • Have everyone get down and against a solid interior wall, and shelter in place
  • Place cell phone on vibrate
  • If safe to do so, provide the following information to Campus Safety or the Police:
    • A description of the suspect(s), sex, race, clothing
    • Type of weapon
    • Location last seen, and direction of travel
    • Identify of the shooter– if known
    • When the police arrive, DO NOT approach the police, keep your hands up

If you are indoors when the shaking starts:

  • Drop, cover and hold on under a table or desk, drop to the floor against an interior wall and cover your head and neck with your arms
  • If you use a wheelchair, lock the wheels and cover your head and vital organs
  • Avoid windows, hanging objects
  • Do not try to run out of your building during strong shaking
  • Evacuate the building, follow instructions of first responders
  • Do not use elevators

If you are outdoors when shaking starts:

  • Move to a clear area and avoid overhead power lines, buildings, and trees
  • If you are driving, pull your vehicle to the side of the road and stop
  • Take personal belongings
  • Leave the classroom, office or building
  • Advise others of the need to evacuate
  • Do not use the elevator
  • Go to the Emergency Assembly Zones located in the west parking lot
  • Wait for instructions from campus authorities
  • If you observe smoke in the building, activate the fire alarm
  • If an alarm sounds, do not assume the alarm is false. Immediately evacuate by the nearest exit.
  • Do not use elevators
  • If unable to exit the building, go to the nearest exit stairwell or safe area of refuge and call Campus Safety at (714) 808-4911 or 911 to report your location
  • Persons trained with the Stryker Chair may assist persons with mobility limitations as a last resort
  • Call Campus Safety (714) 808-4911 or 911 when safe to do so
  • Evacuate the building and proceed to the evacuation areas
  • Re-enter the building only when instructed by first responders or campus officials
  • If an alarm sounds, do not assume the alarm is false. Immediately evacuate by the nearest exit.
  • Do not use elevators
  • If unable to exit the building, go to the nearest exit stairwell or safe area of refuge and call Campus Safety at (714) 808-4911 or 911 to report your location
  • Persons trained with the Stryker Chair may assist persons with mobility limitations as a last resort
  • Call Campus Safety (714) 808-4911 or 911 when safe to do so
  • Evacuate the building and proceed to the evacuation areas
  • Re-enter the building only when instructed by first responders or campus officials

If your building has a flood:

  • Evacuate the building
  • Report the incident to Campus Safety (714) 808-4911

Gas leaks, when unreported, could result in an explosion and subsequent injuries or death. 

If you smell gas:

  • Remain calm and notify Campus Safety at (714) 808-4911
  • Evacuate the building
  • Do not activate the fire alarms, unless there is a fire
  • Evacuate the building and remain in the emergency assembly area and wait for further instructions from Campus Safety, police, or fire department personnel

If you encounter a hazardous material spill or hazardous materials:

  • Notify Campus Safety at (714) 808-4911 or dial 911
  • Evacuate the area or shelter-in-place, if asked to do so by campus authorities
  • Do not exit or re-enter the area until authorized by campus officials
  • Notify Campus Safety at (714) 808-4911 or dial 911
  • Do not use elevators
  • If unable to exit the building, go to the nearest exit stairwell or safe area of refuge and call Campus Safety at (714) 808-4911 or 911 to report your location
  • Persons trained with the Stryker Chair may assist persons with mobility limitations as a last resort
  • Evacuate the building
  • Use the closest exit
  • Re-enter the building only when instructed by officials
  • Contact Campus Safety at (714) 808-4911
  • Provide the location, nature of injury or illness, current condition of the victim, and other requested information
  • Remain on the phone until directed to hang up
  • If you are with the victim stay with the victim
  • Do not move the victim unless he/she is in immediate danger

Evacuation, Reporting & Alerts

Anaheim Campus Evacuation Map     Emergency Help and Reporting Instructions

WeTip Anonymous Crime Reporting Hotline

NOCCCD is a member of WeTip and offers this service to employees and students. WeTip is a citizen’s anonymous crime reporting program that may be used to report all types of crimes. In general, the WeTip hotline has received thousands of reports on serious crimes such as arson, drug sales, graffiti and vandalism, burglaries, student molestation, gang activity and bullying. It has significantly reduced crime incidents in communities and schools nationwide. WeTip is unlike any other hotline. Callers to WeTip can place absolute trust in WeTip and the fact that no one can ever know their identity (not even WeTip!).

The free tip hotline is available in English and Spanish 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. All calls to WeTip are 100% anonymous. WeTips’s reporting hotline is configured to remove all electronic tagging information. WeTip never traces a phone call or Internet report. Tipsters may receive a reward up to $1,000 for tips that lead to an arrest and conviction of a perpetrator.

WeTip Hotline: 1 (800) 78-CRIME or go to WeTip's website.

Update your emergency contact information

In case of an emergency, the North Orange County Community College District will utilize a variety of incident notification alerts, including: phone calls, text messages, emails, social media blasts, as well as timely warnings and other written notifications. 

Students and employees who wish to receive text messages in case of an emergency should sign up in their MyGateway portal under the tab: “Text Message Alert Preferences.”

Campus Safety

The Anaheim Campus Safety Department is committed to providing a safe campus environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. We are committed to working in partnership with the community to maintain a safe and secure campus and to create an environment free from criminal activity and disorder.

Campus Safety Duties and Contact

Our full-time, unarmed, uniformed Campus Safety Officers perform such duties as: safety escorts, traffic control, parking enforcement, security patrols, response to non-hazardous incidents.

The Anaheim Campus Security Officers are on duty Monday – Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m., and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. NOCCCD contracts with an outside agency to patrol the campus during non-operational hours and as needed to ensure coverage.

Students and employees are strongly encouraged to save the Anaheim Campus Security Office’s phone number to their cell phones. Anaheim Campus Security Office 714-808-4911. 

Campus Safety Information Guide

Campus Safety and Security Report

The annual Campus Safety and Security Report is released in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act which requires schools to report the crime statistics over the prior year. The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) requires all institutions of higher education that receive federal financial aid to prepare, publish and distribute annual security reports disclosing specified campus crime statistics and campus security policies. 

The Clery Act requires institutions to publish an annual security report containing statistics related to specific crimes. The crimes are grouped into four categories: criminal offenses, offenses that violate the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), hate crimes, and arrests and referrals for disciplinary action.

2023 Safety Report

Campus Safety Mission Statement

Campus Safety is dedicated to enhancing Anaheim Campus life by providing a safe, secure, and inclusive environment for all that is conducive to learning and consistent with the educational goals of this diverse institution. We are committed to building partnerships that foster trust, mutual respect, and cooperation, and upholding a standard of excellence in serving our community in an effective, unbiased, and professional manner.

Coordination with the Anaheim Police Department

The Anaheim Campus Security Office works closely with the Anaheim Police Department. Criminal incidents are referred to the Anaheim Police Department. All victims and witnesses are strongly encouraged to immediately report crimes to Campus Security and/or the Anaheim Police Department.

NOCCCD Safety Policies

All students, staff, faculty, and visitors are expected to follow the rules and conduct in order to maintain a safe campus environment. A full list of North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) policies and procedures is included on the website: NOCCCD Policies and Procedures. 

Following are safety-related policies of importance.

Students enrolling in the programs and services of the North Orange County Community College District assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the function of the Colleges and North Orange Continuing Education as educational institutions. A student who violates the standards of student conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, the removal, suspension, or expulsion of the student. Misconduct, which constitutes “good cause” for disciplinary action includes, is listed in accordance with the board policy.

NOCCCD Board Policy 5500: Standards of Student Conduct and Discipline

Sex offenders are required by California law to update their information annually, within five working days of their birthday. Sex offenders are required to register with Anaheim Police Department and the Campus Safety Department at the beginning of each term. Information regarding Megan’s Law and Sex Offender Registrants can be found on the following links:

Sexual assault is a crime. It can happen to anyone, male or female. Sexual assault is when there is non-consensual sexual behavior. Sexual assault, an act of violence and power, is illegal. If you are a victim of a sexual assault, report it immediately to Campus Safety or the Anaheim Police Department. Anaheim Campus staff or Anaheim Police will assist in obtaining medical attention and counseling.

  • Visit the NOCCCD Title IX page for additional information on what constitutes sexual misconduct, preventing sexual violence, community resources. 
  • NOCCCD Board Policy 3540: Sexual Assaults on Campus

The NOCCCD Anaheim Campus is an alcohol- and drug-free educational institution. The North Orange County Community College District Board Policies and Administrative Procedures 3550 describe the Drug-free Environment and Drug Prevention Program. 

North Orange County Community College District Drug Free Environment and Prevention Program 

Community Resources

The safety and well-being of all members in our community is our priority. Campus Safety is committed to building partnerships for the betterment of our campus community. 

Students, faculty, and staff who need safety resources can find some listed below. For additional assistance, contact the NOCE Campus Safety Office at (714) 808-4911.

  • Sexual Assault Victims Services (SAVS) Santa Ana: (714) 834-4317 
  • Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis, Orange County: 24-hour Hotline: (714) 957-2737 
  • Rape Hotline: (800) 585-6231 
  • Project Sister: (a 24-hour hotline that provides the victim with a Rape Advocate at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center during the police interview and in court): (909) 626-4357 
  • LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Hotline: (888) 843-4564 
  • LGBT Information/Referrals: (714) 953-5428 or (909) 623-1619 
  • Women’s Transitional Living Center (a 24-hour bilingual hotline for temporary shelter; individual/group counseling): (877) 531-5522 
  • Adult Protective Services: (800) 451-5155
  • Anaheim Memorial Hospital (Safe Place) — (714) 999-5136 (Evidence collection and treatment) 
  • Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center — (909) 865-9500 (Evidence collection and treatment) 
  • St. Jude Medical Center — (714) 871-3280 (Treatment only)

Employee Contacts

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Roland Esquivel

Campus Safety Officer Coordinator

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Garrett Bush

Campus Safety Officer Coordinator

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Sammie Brito

Campus Safety Officer II

North Orange Community College Logo

Dale Matteson

Campus Safety Officer II