District-Wide Planning

District-wide planning guides the ongoing development of educational and support programs that are accessible and relevant to the communities that we serve. NOCCCD recognizes that long-term and short-term planning, coupled with effective decision-making, is vital to student success and institutional performance.

The overarching purpose of planning is to provide clear strategies to further the District’s educational goals with respect to academic programs, support services, and facilities. District-wide planning practices demonstrate institutional effectiveness by following a cycle of evaluation, development of goals and objectives, resource allocation, plan implementation, and re-evaluation.

Each of the three educational entities within the District — Cypress College, Fullerton College, and North Orange Continuing Education — has their own internal processes for planning and evaluation. These plans are simultaneously integrated into the District-wide planning and resource allocation processes.

NOCCCD Integrated Planning Model

Integrated Planning Model chart. Click on caption to read plain text.
Table 1: Integrated Planning Model

2020-2030 NOCCCD Strategic Directions

These Strategic Directions and Goals were updated by the Educational & Facilities Master Plan Refresh Steering Committee and are intended to guide the development of each program, project, or initiative within the District through 2030:

  1. Student Experience & Success: NOCCCD will provide comprehensive support, equitable opportunities, co-curricular programming, and clear pathways to ensure that students achieve their educational and career goals.
  2. Employee Experience: NOCCCD will provide an inclusive, equitable, and welcoming environment to support the well-being and professional growth of all employees.
  3. Stewardship of Resources: NOCCCD will promote a shared vision of responsible stewardship of District resources through transparent and inclusive decision-making and integrated planning.
  4. Collective Impact & Partnerships: NOCCCD will develop and sustain collaborative projects and partnerships with educational institutions, community-based organizations, and businesses to creative positive change in the region.
  5. Physical Environment & Beyond: NOCCCD will be a leader in creating both accessible and resilient facilities and well-designed flexible learning opportunities that utilize up-to-date technology and processes to support student and employee success.

Educational Initiatives

Guided by the Strategic Directions & Goals, The Educational Initiatives pave the way for success of the District in the next decade.

  • Optimize student support systems
  • Augment connection points between students and support services
  • Consolidate spaces and opportunities for student engagement
  • Conduct food service analysis to determine needs and service levels
  • Enhance wayfinding within the physical and online environment
  • Improve equitable transportation to campus
  • Ensure equitable access to education
  • Utilize direct aid to assist in equitable access
  • Schedule instruction modalities that increase access
  • Train and implement instructional modalities
  • Develop data-driven counseling and academic pathways
  • Evaluate technological needs and space use
  • Establish a culture of inquiry and data-driven decision-making
  • Develop student and employee services and programs
  • Bolster curriculum, instruction, training and service programs supporting DEIAA objectives
  • Collect data on the effectiveness of established programs related to transfer time or to attain degrees
  • Continued expansion of the Dual Enrollment program
  • Streamline partnerships across additional local K-12 institutions
  • Expand campus marketing efforts to foster a strong sense of community
  • Raise brand awareness throughout the state
  • Explore partnerships to expand and impact programs
  • Strategically leverage available data resources across the District to inform spatial impacts to enrollment
  • Expand participation in industry advisory committees
  • Prioritize training for in-demand skills sought by local and regional industries
  • Continue and expand new mentorship programs with local industry employers and alumni
  • Develop modern educational and experiential methods and tools
  • Empower a committee to establish the guidelines for implementable and scalable sustainability goals
  • Support and enhance curriculum, instruction, training and services programs to implement objectives
  • Evaluate spaces to determine adaptive reuse opportunities
  • Integrate sustainable education opportunities
  • Foster sustainable transportation practices

Campus Planning

NOCCCD Planning Documents

cover of educational and facilities master plan original

2021-2030 Comprehensive Educational and Facilities Master Plan

Developed collaboratively with a vibrant and engaged three-campus community, the purpose of the Comprehensive Master Plan is to guide the District through 2030, and serve as the measuring stick by which future educational programs and facilities investments will be evaluated.

graph showing upward trends

Progress Report 2018-2020

This report summarizes the actions taken by all four entities in the District: Cypress College, District Services, Fullerton College, and North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) toward achieving the District Strategic Directions as well as the objectives described in the North Orange County Community College District-wide Strategic Plan 2018-2020.

infographic: Student Experience & Success is interlocked with planning, people and community via District and Campus responsibilities

District-wide Strategic Plan 2022-2026

This is NOCCCD’s short-term plan identifying the specific actions that the District intends to take over this time period to achieve the District Strategic Directions identified in the 2021-2030 Comprehensive Educational and Facilities Master Plan.

one arrow breaking off to three

Decision Making Resource Manual

Everyone—Board members, faculty, staff, administration, and students—works together to make decisions and focus on student success. This manual explains how decisions are made in the District to improve communication, trust, and collaboration among all groups.

integrated planning model

Integrated Planning Manual

The Integrated Planning Manual guides District-wide planning. This document outlines how constituent groups contribute to and participate in both long-term and short-term District planning and how these planning processes are connected.

budget allocation handbook

Budget Allocation Handbook

The Budget Allocation Handbook provides a detailed description of the processes used by the District to allocate resources.

Other Resources

2024 Educational and Master Plan Refresh

The Educational and Facilities Master Plan Refresh is an update to the original 2020 plan, designed to realign the North Orange County Community College District’s strategies with current educational and societal needs through 2030.

Our Staff

cherry li-bugg vice-chancellor, educational services and technology

Dr. Cherry Li-Bugg

Vice Chancellor, Ed Srvcs/Tech

North Orange Community College Logo

Dr. Gabrielle Stanco

District Director, Research, Planning, and Data Management