Governance Councils & Committees

Governance at NOCCCD is a collaborative process involving representatives from all constituent groups who engage in open discussion and timely decision-making. 

The North Orange County Community College District and its institutions—Cypress College, Fullerton College and NOCE— follow a collegial and transparent governance process, where the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, administration, and students work together to ensure a well-informed decision-making process.  

governance council structure in an ongoing circle

Our governance process follows the guidelines outlined in California Assembly Bill 1725 and in the policies of the NOCCCD Board Policy BP 2410 Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.

The North Orange County Community College District Campus-based and District-wide governance groups meet regularly to assess current practices and develop recommendations.

Types of Groups that Develop Recommendations

The NOCCCD groups that provide recommendations in the decision-making process are organized into three categories based on the group's responsibilities and its source of authority. The groups in all three categories are essential to the NOCCCD community in that they create opportunities for constituencies to be informed about issues of District-wide importance, making decisions, and serving as conduits of information to and from the constituents.

a group of people working together in an office

Governance Groups

District-level governance groups, such as the District Consultation Council and Council on Budget and Facilities, operate at a broader administrative level, while campus governance groups, like Academic/Faculty Senates and Associated Student Government, focus on the specific needs and interests of individual campuses. Both types of groups serve as vital conduits between their respective constituencies and the administration, playing key roles in developing and forwarding recommendations to the Chancellor.

four people at a table working

Organizational Groups

Organizational groups assist the Chancellor in implementing the Board's plans and policies by coordinating operational, procedural and policy implementation. The Board of Trustees or the Chancellor assign members of these groups based on their job-description responsibilities and positions within NOCCCD. Examples of District-level organizational groups are Chancellor's Staff and the Banner Steering Committee. 


people at table listening to presentation

Ad Hoc Workgroups

Ad hoc workgroups are formed to create a venue for conversations on topics deemed by NOCCCD to require timely and concentrated District-wide energy. Instead of being required by law or regulation, these groups are charged by the Chancellor or one of the Coordinating Councils to perform specific functions that benefit the entire District. Ad hoc workgroups function for a specific purpose for a limited period of time. Membership in an ad hoc workgroup is either voluntary or by appointment.