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Budget Allocation Handbook, September 2021 Update
The purpose of the NOCCCD Budget Allocation Handbook is to provide a detailed description of the process used by the District to allocate resources. This includes a general description of the NOCCCD Council on Budget and Facilities, the timeline and process for budget development, as well as guiding Board Policies and Administrative Procedures. It also explains how NOCCCD assesses and evaluates the allocation process in order to measure effectiveness.
Course Scheduling Manual
In order to comply with the Student Attendance Accounting Manual, to reduce the possibility of audit findings and to maximize FTES generation, it is crucial that courses are scheduled correctly and adhere to state attendance regulations. To assist faculty coordinators, deans and inputters in this task, a Course Scheduling Manual was developed in 2013 as the District moved to the 16-week condensed calendar.
Decision Making Resource Manual, 2023 Update
The purpose of this resource manual is to describe how decisions are made in the North Orange County Community College District. It has been developed with the goal of improving communication and trust across NOCCCD. These decision-making processes reflect the mechanisms by which NOCCCD ensures that there are opportunities for meaningful collaboration and that the voices of the constituent groups are heard in making decisions.
Grants and Resource Development Procedures
NOCCCD's grant and resource development process from pre-award application development through post-award management.
Integrated Planning Manual, 2022-23 Update
The purpose of the North Orange County Community College District Integrated Planning Manual is to guide institutional planning District-wide. The processes described in this document identify the ways that constituent groups participate in, and contribute to, District-wide long-term and short-term planning and how the planning processes are linked to one another.
MIS Data Desk Guides
Management Information System (MIS) Data is used to calculate District funding allocations, monitor trends in student and employee outcomes, and to fulfill federal and state reporting requirements.
Procedures and Forms for Conducting Research
These documents provide you with a comprehensive overview of the procedures and guidelines designed to ensure that research activities within the District are conducted with the highest standards of integrity and effectiveness.