Transportation and Travel Procedures

The North Orange County Community College District strongly supports professional development and learning opportunities through a variety of means.

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When travel is required, employees should submit a travel requisition prior to attending approved workshops, conferences, or any other District-related business.

Cypress College, Fullerton College and North Orange Continuing Education faculty and staff work with their respective budget officers and through their campus procedures to submit a travel requisition, which is then routed to the District Office Accounting department. All District Staff work directly with the appropriate District accounting specialist to submit a requisition.

Procedures for Transportation and Travel Requisitions:

In Banner, complete the FPAREQN form:

FPAREQN Form Instructions
Vendoris the name of the employee requesting to travel 
Vendor NumberUse the flashlight tool to determine if the employee has an @ number already assigned. If so, enter that number in the Vendor number field. If not, enter the employee's legal name as it appears on payroll records
Commodity Codeis 3TR
DescriptionPlease type the full name of the conference being attended
Info TextClick the three dots beside Modify Clause and select Travel. Then enter the following information:
Information Needed
  • Name of the conference (full conference name - use more than one line if necessary)
  • Organization sponsoring the conference (full name, no acronyms or abbreviations)
  • Name of the conference
  • Inclusive dates of the conference
  • City and State where the conference is being held
  • Reason for attending
  • Breakdown of all costs
  • Justification for Grant-funded travel (if applicable). Travel expenses must be approved and meet the funding agency travel expenses guidelines.
  • Confirm that your cost total in this section is equal to the total of the RQ in the commodity line.
Amountwill be the total estimated cost of the conference. This includes registration fees, hotel fees, airplane tickets, mileage costs*, meals, etc. 
SubmitClick Submit to complete your requisition approval

Once the requisition has been approved, the District Accounting Office will assign a P.O. number for the travel.

Hotel/Motel Tax Exemption

As a District employee traveling for business, your hotel stay qualifies for a tax waiver. Please submit a Tax Waiver Exemption Claim form to the front desk when checking in. By completing and signing the form, you certify that you are paying for the accommodations and are an official representative of a governmental agency. The hotel will keep the completed form on file to support its waiver of the tax. Transient Occupancy Tax rates vary from city to city, and some cities do not exempt local government employees. You'll need to verify with your specific hotel what tax rates will and will not apply.

A Travel Expense Report must be filed with the District Accounting Office within 60 days of your return from travel in order to ensure timely and accurate reimbursement. All original receipts from your travel must be attached. Visit the Reimbursement Rates page for current travel-related reimbursement rates.

*If round-trip mileage is 20 miles or greater, provide mileage supporting documentation such as Google Maps or a similar GPS assessment. 

Pre-payment Requests

After a P.O. number has been assigned, employees may request pre-payments.

The travel email address ( is used to request travel expenses that need to be purchased prior to the travel event.  It includes registration, hotel, and transportation fees.  The check can be made out to the outside vendor or, if the employee has prepaid the expense, to the employee.  

Please make sure to include the proper documentation to verify the amount to be paid along with the recipient’s name and address. The following information is needed on the email message request:

  • Check Payable to:
  • Amount of check
  • Address to mail check: (for employees, this will be your District mailing address)
  • Amount of Check: (if total is for multiple items, also include the breakdown)
  • Employee Name:
  • Travel PO number:
  • Date of Conference:
  • Due date of check: (if submitting directly to an outside vendor, this is needed)

If you have several employees needing a check to go to the same vendor, you only need to send one email request and list all the PO’s and employee names.  If you have any questions, please contact or Huy Ha.

Please refer to BP7400 Travel for additional guidance on the District's policies related to travel.