Group Health Insurance Program (CalPERS)

The Group Health Insurance Program (CalPERS) provides eligible Adjunct Faculty the opportunity to receive full health insurance benefits equal to what is provided to full-time faculty at NOCCCD.

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Please review the MOU pertaining to the Part-Time Faculty Health Insurance Program.

Eligibility Requirements

Active Adjunct Faculty unit members may enroll in our group health insurance plan with CalPERS if they meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Unit member is a current CalSTRS member
  • Unit member has an approved and processed assignment for the current semester
  • Unit member or their dependent(s) have no other group health coverage in place

Dependent Eligibility

Eligible dependents include:

  • Spouse or Registered Domestic Partner
  • Children (natural, adopted, domestic partner's, or stepchildren up to age 26
  • Children, up to age 26, if the employee has assumed a parent-child relationship and is considered the primary care parent. A CalPERS Affidavit of Parent-Child Relationship must be filed prior to enrollment and updated upon request.
  • Certified disabled dependent child, age 26 and older

When adding dependents to your health plan, you will be required to submit the following:

Dependent TypeRequired Documentation
  • Copy of Marriage Certificate
  • Copy of Social Security Card
Registered Domestic Partner
  • Copy of Declaration of Domestic Partnership
  • Copy of Social Security Card
Children (up to age 26)
  • Copy or Birth Certificate/Adoption Papers
  • Copy of Social Security Card
Children (up to age 26) with parent-child relationship
  • CalPERS Affidavit of Parent-Child Relationship
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Social Security Card
Certified disabled dependent children, age 26 and older
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Social Security Card
  • Disability Dependent Forms will be required by CalPERS

District Contributions

District contributions are based on the employee’s workload (FTE) with NOCCCD for the semester they are applying for coverage.

If the employee’s workload with NOCCCD is 40% or greater (FTE), the District pays 100% of the employee-only health insurance premium for the elected health plan. The District also provides each eligible employee a negotiated dollar amount to offset the cost of dependent care health premiums.

If an employee’s workload is less than 40% (FTE) with NOCCCD, the District contributes a flat monthly amount towards the employee’s elected health plan.

Enrollment Opportunities or Making Mid-Year Changes

Eligible adjunct faculty can enroll or make mid-year changes to their health plans in any of the following situations given timely submission of required documentation to the Human Resources – Benefits Office within the specified timeframe. Enrollment is optional and voluntary.

As a new hire, the earliest coverage effective date for eligible Adjunct Faculty is the first of the month following receipt of their enrollment materials to the Benefits Office if received within 60 days from their hire date.

A 90-day waiting period is required if the enrollment request is received more than 60 days after the date of hire.

If an eligible employee experiences a qualified status change or event, they can enroll or make mid-year changes to their health plan given timely submission of all required materials to the Human Resources - District Benefits Office within 60 days of their qualified status change or event. If an employee misses the 60-day window, the next opportunity to submit health plan changes will be during the District’s annual Open Enrollment. Qualified status changes may include:

  • Marriage or registration of a domestic partner
  • Divorce or legal separation from a spouse
  • Birth, adoption, placement for adoption, or legal guardianship of a child
  • Death of a spouse/domestic partner or a child
  • Child's loss of eligibility due to age
  • You or your spouse has a change in employment status that results in gaining or losing eligibility for benefits coverage. You must submit proof of gain or loss of coverage.
  • Full-time/part-time employment status change resulting in an insurance eligibility change
  • Commencement of or return from an unpaid leave of absence
  • Change for an individual eligible for Medicare or Medicaid
  • Qualified Medical Child Support order/National Medical Support Notice

Each year, NOCCCD conducts Open Enrollment, generally between mid-September to mid-October, for eligible employees to enroll, change, and/or cancel their health plans. All changes requested during Open Enrollment would take effect on the first of the next plan year (January – December).