a server lit up with wires attached

Technology at NOCCCD

About Technology at NOCCCD

District Information Services is dedicated to delivering technology support and services tailored for the NOCCCD community. Our primary objective is to ensure seamless and high-quality access to essential technology and resources for both academic and administrative users, empowering them in fulfilling their respective missions effectively.

Our approach revolves around the following key principles:

  • Optimizing Technology Investment: We are committed to providing top-notch technology solutions at competitive value by capitalizing on our existing infrastructure and skilled personnel, alongside embracing innovative technologies.
  • Exemplary Customer Service and Support: Striving for excellence, we prioritize understanding and promptly addressing our users' requirements with unwavering dedication.
  • Future-Oriented Planning: Anticipating evolving needs within the District, we continuously look ahead to align our strategies with upcoming technological advancements that will enhance user experiences.
  • Legal Compliance & System Maintenance: Upholding legal standards remains paramount as we ensure regular system updates for heightened security measures and operational efficiency.

User Support/Help Desk

User Support/Help Desk is the primary point of contact for District employees who have questions or problems related to utilization of District computers. Our objective is to provide employees with a contact for whatever issue they have, and a resolution to the issue on the first call.

Areas of Responsibility

Information Services is responsible for the planning, budget, staffing, training, policies, system selection, backup/recovery, and business continuity for:

  • Banner -- including Student log in, Finance, HR, MIS Reporting, Financial Aid, myGateway, and Degree Works
  • ARGOS reporting tool
  • (SPMS) Enrollment Management System
  • (EMS) Event Management System
  • Library System
  • Mobile Applications
  • Assistance for Campus Websites

Information Systems oversees the Technology Plan and Administrative Review for the I.S. Department and District-wide Infrastructure, including:

  • Operation of the District-wide Fiber Ring
  • Maintenance of Infrastructure standards for construction
  • Design of network

Responsibilities include:

  • Wireless and wired network
  • Email
  • Desktops for District Office staff

Information Services oversees Network and Data Security legislation and regulation compliance:

  • Monitoring and scanning of network-connected technology
  • Developing security standards in consultation with the District Technology Committee
  • Contract review for all technology contracts District-wide to ensure compliance and consistency
  • Approval of all technology purchases for compatibility with infrastructure and other systems
  • Coordination of District-wide shared contracts and purchases
  • Operation of data center for Educational Technology initiatives as needed

Related Plans, Policies & Procedures

The design, implementation, and support of the telecommunications network for the North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) is a cooperative effort of District Information Services (I.S.) and the Academic Computing Technologies (ACT) departments at Cypress College, Fullerton College, and North Orange Continuing Education

ARGOS Training

  • Training

Argos is a reporting tool used in conjunction with the Banner system. Users are able to access data quickly and download the information for further analyzation.

Banner Navigation teaches employees how to "navigate" in NOCCCD's Banner system. It includes an introduction to the Banner interface and the basic principles of data entry and searching. This class is required for all staff prior to getting their Banner Log On ID.

Banner Training

  • Training

Banner Training offers general training and information for NOCCCD Banner system, including keyboard shortcuts and security precautions.

Rave is the Electronic Notification System of the North Orange County Community College District. It facilitates the quick and efficient distribution of critical information via email, text, and voice messages.

Our Staff

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Hani Amin

System Analyst, Applications

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Lance Aponte

IT Project Leader

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Nandini Brito Silveira

Systems Analyst - Applications

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Boaz Carmi

Systems Analyst - Technology

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Yuvia Coleman

IT User Support Specialist

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Karla Garcia

Administrative Assistant III

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Brandon Getino

IT Security Analyst/Sys Admin

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Devin Griffith

IT Technician II

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Geoff Hurst

Director 4 (D4) - IT Multidiscipline

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George Isaac

IT Project Leader

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Phil Lau

Systems Appl Training Coord

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Duy Mai

IT Project Leader

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Tim Nguyen

Systems Analyst-Technology

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Brad Rippe

Systems Analyst, Applications

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Enrique Sandoval

IT Services Coordinator II

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Quamrul Shahid

IT Specialist, Network