District-Wide Strategic Plan

NOCCCD adopted a contemporary approach to develop its District-wide Strategic Plan to shift from a rigid approach to planning to a more flexible and adaptable guide focused by our values, beliefs, and sense of purpose.

Our Strategic Compass includes:

  • Intentional Alignment with Identity and Purpose: Application of the belief that shared values, beliefs, and purpose should guide strategic efforts.
  • Continuous Adaptation and Learning: Recognizing the dynamic nature of the environment, the organization commits to continuous adaptation and learning. It embraces agile thinking, scenario planning, and feedback mechanisms to adjust its course and stay responsive to evolving challenges and opportunities.
  • Incorporating Leading Measures of Inputs and Processes: The ability to be flexible and to be able to adapt within a year is created by using leading measures of the inputs and processes necessary to achieve a specific goal and realize the intended outcome.

Our Purpose

To uplift individuals and communities through education, a vehicle for social mobility. 

We are passionate about empowering students, families and communities and understand the transformative power of education to help individuals engage with their communities in a socially responsive way. 

Connection is at the heart of what we do and we strive to connect with our students and colleagues in purposeful and equitable ways, knowing these efforts contribute to our institutions missions and goals.

Building a Strategic Compass

The primary responsibility of NOCCCD is to support Cypress College, Fullerton College, and NOCE in achieving their site-specific strategic plans while supporting all three sites and the district towards addressing the strategic initiatives outlined in the 2021-30 Educational and Facilities Master Plan (EFMP) and the 2023 EFMP Refresh. The visual illustrates the desired relationship between the district and sites, including three categories of strategic initiatives: Student Experience and Success, Planning and People, and Community.

infographic: Student Experience & Success is interlocked with planning, people and community via District and Campus responsibilities


NOCCCD District-wide Goals

Support equitable outcomes and achievement through care, compassion, and connection in order to:

  1. enhance the student experience through DEIAA approaches 
  2. develop collaborative, autonomous learners 
  3. strengthen student support services 
  4. provide clear pathways to completion 
  5. use technology to offer flexible learning options

Input Measures 
(prioritize and support innovation)

  1. DEIAA approaches implemented (curricular audit, prof learning, process reviews)
  2. enhanced instructional approaches
  3. evaluate, enhance, and expand
  4. Ed plan development
  5. tech infrastructure to support flexibility and innovation

Process Measures

  • belonging/connection/engagement
  • measures of aspiration/hope/goal*
  • use of student services and measure of needs being met.
  • measures of “on-track” to completion
  • disaggregate measures (range of groups)


  • Course Retention
  • Course Completion
  • Fall-to-Fall Persistence
  • Degree/Certificate Completion
  • Transfers/Transfer Degree
  • Disaggregate Measures (range of groups)

Facilitate inclusive partnerships, expand access to programs and services, encourage collaboration, and prioritize DEIAA supporting:

  • academic and career goals,
  • basic needs,
  • success through seamless pathways within/beyond our institutions.

Input Measures 
(prioritize and support innovation)

  1. strengthen and expand partnerships (businesses/ community)
  2. create the space and support for cross-collaboration (internal and external)
  3. DEIAA focus across all partnerships and collaborations

Process Measures

  • Increased matriculation from high school pathway programs/business, etc.
  • measures of aspiration/hope/goal*
  • cross-collaboration in action (internal - opportunity to participate)
  • belonging, connection, and engagement
  • diverse needs being met
  • prof learning application (6 weeks later)


  • Attendance
  • Course Completion
  • Persistence
  • Pathway Completion
  • Climate Survey (Employee)

Promote resource stewardship, employee development, inclusive decision making, and campus accessibility/ sustainability in order to:

  1. foster a positive experience/support employee development
  2. strengthen participatory governance with a DEIAA emphasis
  3. improve campus physical space to enhance student and employee well-being
  4. align resources through integrated planning

Input Measures 
(prioritize and support innovation)

  1. support prof learning, engagement, and community building (connection);
  2. create opportunities for better communication & shared leadership; include employee voice in decisions;
  3. facility improvement and sustainability projects;
  4. align resources to goals and support innovation.

Process Measures

  • employee satisfaction measures
  • diverse (lived experience) participants
  • improved communication
  • increased and/or enhanced use of sustainable physical space and tech.
  • resources aligned to goals, innovation to meet unique needs (campus resource requests tied to plans.)
  • prof learning application (6 weeks later)


  • Climate Survey (Employees)
  • Employee Exit Interviews
  • Employee/Student Well-Being
  • Goal Achievement through fiscal stewardship