User Support/Help Desk

User Support/Help Desk is the primary point of contact for District employees who have questions or problems related to utilization of District computers. Our objective is to provide employees with a contact for whatever issue they have, and a resolution to the issue on the first call.

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CONTACT US | (714) 808-4849 |
When possible, Service Desk personnel will answer questions directly!

Help Desk

  • Service Desk staff are "generalists," who have a basic understanding of all areas in Information Services. 
  • Issues that cannot be resolved on the first call will be referred to the appropriate I.S. staff. 
  • The Service Desk will develop and maintain Service Desk documentation that will promote problem resolution on the first call.
  • The Service Desk will assist in the development and teaching of classes offered by Information Services.

Service Desk Staffing

  • The Service Desk is staffed by two IT Technicians: Gary Schneider and Devin Griffith.

User Support

  • View the Related Files below to find I.S. guides and instructions.

How to Handle Passwords & Common Error Messages

  • Your BANNER password needs to be changed at least every 90 days
  • If your password has not been changed in 60 days, you will get a reminder notice each time you sign into BANNER.
  • If you do not change the password before the 90-day period is over, the password will expire. As long as you know your password, you'll get an opportunity to change it.
  • If you don't know your password, or have locked your account, please email 
  • Your password will become disabled if you enter the password incorrectly 3 times in a sequence.
  • Once a password has been used, you cannot use it again. A password must:
    • Be at least six (6) characters or more in length
    • Have at least one (1) character being a number and one a letter

Changing Your Password

  1. Sign into BANNER and enter GUAPSWD in the Direct Access box. There is also an option on the main menu of BANNER.
  2. Enter your CURRENT password in the "Oracle Password" field.
  3. Press TAB on your keyboard.
  4. Enter your NEW password
  5. Press TAB on your keyboard
  6. Verify your NEW password by entering it again.
  7. Click OK.

Passwords are used to help protect data integrity. When you are selecting a password, you want to keep in mind the following:

  • Do not use words that are easy to figure out, such as your spouse's name or children's names, your favorite author or musician, etc.
  • Do not use dates such as births, anniversaries, etc.
  • Do make it something that is easily remembered
  • Use something that only you may know, such as your first pet's name, the street name that you grew up on, etc.
  • Use a combination of alpha and numeric characters. Example: hugs4me
  • You can even use a combination of two totally random words and a number. Example: home8work
  • Change your password every 90 days!

One other note on Banner passwords:

If you change your password for the PROD_DB database, it does not mean that your password was changed for all Banner databases! Each database is a separate, therefore, you will need to change your password in all other databases.

Now you know everything there is to know about changing passwords! Have fun coming up with a suitable password for yourself.

Oracle errors are more serious and are not the result of operator error. Some examples are:

ORA-03114. Post form trigger raised - unhandled exception.


FRM-40735: PRE-UPDATE trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01031. Record 1/1 


What to do

  • Write down the error and what form you were using when it occurred.
  • Click on Help (from pull-down menu), then click on Display Error. This will contain detailed information that will assist IS in trouble-shooting the problem. The message displayed has a top portion which contains code, but the bottom is more explicit, such as "Insufficient privileges." That message means you have a query, but you do not have update capabilities to the form you just used.

Since these errors are frequently lengthy:

  • Do a screen shot, by pressing the "Print Screen" key while the error message dialog box displays. This copies it to the clipboard.
  • Open your word processing program and paste the clipboard to the screen. Now you can save the message as a document and send it in an email to