Petty Cash Reimbursement

The Petty Cash Voucher system has been established to aid in the purchase of unforeseen, emergency expenditures that may arise during the course of performing business. These expenditures should be made only when it is not practical or cost-efficient to purchase through the District Purchasing Department.

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The Petty Cash Voucher reimbursement is limited to a total of $250 per day (multiple days may be submitted but each daily total cannot exceed $250.00). The Petty Cash Voucher system may not be used to circumvent established District purchasing procedures or to purchase prohibited items.

Note: If the petty cash purchase exceeds $250 per day, a purchase requisition must be completed, and the original receipts must be submitted as an attachment to the purchase requisition.


In order to be reimbursed through the Petty Cash Voucher system, the following steps must be taken:

  • Email Huy Ha to receive a unique voucher number before submitting the petty cash voucher. Any voucher received without this unique number will be returned. The email needs to include the employee's name to be reimbursed along with the total amount of the reimbursement for his logbook.
  • Complete the "Petty Cash Voucher," listing the employee's Banner ID number, employee's name, campus, department, receipt date, where the items were purchased from and item description, purpose of the purchase, budget to be charged, and amounts. Submit all receipt(s) with the petty cash voucher.
  • Special Notes: If the items are charged to a categorical budget, then a statement of purpose should be included on the voucher.
  • Email/submit the Petty Cash Voucher and receipts to your manager for approval. Docusign is the preferred method for signatures. They will then send it to the campus budget officer for review. Once the review process is complete, they will send the voucher and receipts to the District Accounts Payable department for reimbursement. For District employees, please contact Accounting for further instructions.
  • When Budget Officers forward all documents to the District's Accounts Payable department, the email subject line needs to read "Petty Cash", "Last Name of Employee", and Voucher #.
  • Please allow up to two (2) weeks for processing. All petty cash reimbursements are distributed to each campus by using the employee's Banner District mailing address. Any exceptions need to be noted on the voucher along with the revised address.

If you have any questions, please email Huy Ha.