Equal Employment Opportunity Plan 2023-2026

The Equal Employment Opportunity Plan focuses on ensuring equal employment opportunities in recruitment and hiring, following Title 5 regulations and addressing underrepresentation of monitored groups. The District also aims to create a welcoming, diverse, and excellence-driven work environment.

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View a synopsis of each section of the report below, or go to Related Files to view the entire report.

[Reference – Title 5 §§ 53001 and 53021]

1) Adverse Impact: a disproportionate negative impact to a group protected from discrimination pursuant to Government Code section 12940, arising from the effects of an employment practice as determined according to a valid statistical measure (such as those outlined in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's “Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures”).

2) Chancellor’s Office: California Community College’s Chancellor’s Office.

3) Culture: Is the values, beliefs, traditions, behavioral norms, linguistic expression, knowledge, memories, and collective identities that are shared by a group of people and give meaning to their social environments. Culture is learned and inherited behavior that distinguishes members of one group from another group. Culture is not static and can change over time.

4) Cultural Change: Refers to the stages of development or new patterns of culture that occur as a response to changing societal conditions. Within an organization, cultural change is a new method of operating and a reorientation of one’s role and responsibilities in the organization. Effective cultural change in an organization involves moving the organization toward a new vision or desired state. This change is influenced by many factors including effective leadership in all aspects of the change process, intentional alignment of structures, systems, and policies with the new culture, ensuring staff and stakeholder participation, clear and frequent communication regarding the cultural change, obtaining feedback and evaluating progress, and managing any emotional response to the change.

5) Cultural Competency: Is the ability to honor and respect the beliefs, language, interpersonal styles, and behaviors of those receiving and providing services. Individuals practicing cultural competency have knowledge of the intersectionality of social identities and the multiple axes of oppression that people from different racial, ethnic, and other minoritized groups face. Individuals striving to develop cultural competence recognize that it is a dynamic, on-going process that requires a long-term commitment to learning. In the context of education, cultural competence refers to the ability to successfully teach students who come from cultures other than one’s own. It entails developing personal and interpersonal awareness and sensitivities, learning specific bodies of cultural knowledge, and mastering a set of skills for effective cross-cultural teaching.

6) DEIAA: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Anti-racism, and Accessibility

7) Diversity: The myriad of ways in which people differ, including the psychological, physical, cognitive, and social differences that occur among all individuals, such as race, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, religion, economic class, education, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, mental and physical ability, and learning styles. Diversity is all inclusive and supportive of the proposition that everyone and every group should be valued. It is about understanding these differences and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of our differences.

8) Equal Employment Opportunity: All qualified individuals have a full and fair opportunity to compete for hiring and promotion and to enjoy the benefits of employment with the district. Equal employment opportunity should exist at all levels, in all job categories. Equal employment opportunity also involves:

(1) identifying and eliminating barriers to employment that are not job related, such as reliance on preferred job qualifications that do not reasonably predict job performance;

(2) updating job descriptions and/or job announcements to reflect accurately the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the position, including a commitment to equity; and

(3) creating an environment which fosters cooperation, acceptance, democracy, and free expression of ideas, and is welcoming to all persons free from discrimination related to the categories protected by Government Code section 12940.

9) Equal Employment Opportunity Plan: A written document that describes a district's EEO program. A district's EEO plan shall include: 1) analysis of the district's work force; and 2) descriptions of the district's program and strategies, informed by the district's work force analysis, that it is implementing or will implement, to promote equal employment opportunity.

10) Equal Employment Opportunity Programs: The combination of district strategies implemented to promote equal employment opportunity. Such programs should be informed by a district's longitudinal workforce and applicant analyses.

11) Equity: The condition under which individuals are provided the resources they need to have access to the same opportunities as the general population. Equity accounts for systematic inequalities, meaning the distribution of resources provides more for those who need it most. Conversely, equality indicates uniformity where everything is evenly distributed among people.

12) Ethnic Group Identification: An individual’s identification in one or more of the ethnic groups reported to the Chancellor pursuant to section 53004. These groups may be more specifically defined by the Chancellor consistent with state and federal law.

13) In-house or Promotional Only Hiring: Only existing District employees are eligible for a position.

14) Job Categories: Includes executive/administrative/managerial, faculty and other instructional staff, professional non-faculty, secretarial/clerical, technical and paraprofessional, skilled crafts, and service and maintenance.

15) Monitored Group: The groups for which districts must provide demographic data pursuant to section 53004.

16) Person with a Disability: Any person who:

  1. has a physical or mental impairment as defined in Government Code section 12926 which limits one or more of such person's major life activities;
  2. has a record of such an impairment; or
  3. is regarded as having such an impairment.

A person with a disability is “limited” if the condition makes the achievement of the major life activity difficult.

17) Reasonable Accommodations: The efforts made by the district in compliance with Government Code section 12926.

18) Screening or Selection Procedures: Any measure, combination of measures, or procedure used as a basis for any employment decision. Selection procedures include the full range of assessment techniques, including performance tests, physical, educational, and work experience requirements, interviews, application reviews, reference checks, and similar techniques. Screening and selection procedures shall also include consideration of equivalencies pursuant to section 53430.

19) Underrepresented Group: Any monitored group for which the percentage of persons from that group employed by the district in a job category is below eighty percent (80%) of the projected representation for that group and job category.

North Orange County Community College District

(Education Code § 87100 et seq; Title 5 § 53000 et seq.)

The North Orange County Community College District is committed to equal employment opportunity principles and practices. This comprehensive Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Plan is adopted and implemented to ensure the application of equal employment opportunity principles that conform to federal and state laws. The District is also committed to principles of diversity and inclusion which are fundamental elements of higher education to ensure equity, retention and success.

As reflected in this EEO Plan, the District is committed to a continuing, good faith effort to ensuring that all qualified applicants for employment and employees have full and equal access to employment opportunities, and are not subject to discrimination in any program or activity of the District on the basis of: ethnic group identification; national origin, ancestry; religion (including religious dress and grooming practices); political beliefs or affiliations; age (40 years and over); sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions); gender, gender identification, gender expression; race; color; medical condition or protected medical leaves (requesting or approved for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act or the California Family Rights Act); genetic information; sexual orientation; marital status or registered domestic partner status; physical or mental disability; immigration or citizenship status; military and veteran status, or as otherwise protected by state and federal statutes, or because they are perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

As further reflected in this EEO Plan, the District endeavors to provide a diverse and inclusive educational and employment environment that fosters cooperation, collaboration, equity, democracy, professionalism, and free expression of ideas. The District finds that a diverse and inclusive workforce furthers its mission of preparing students for success in a diverse and global society. The District finds that a diverse and inclusive workforce is essential to creating a robust academic environment in which students and employees thrive.

[Reference – Title 5 §§ 53003 (c) (1), and 53020]

It is the goal of North Orange County Community College District that all employees promote and support equal employment opportunity because equal employment opportunity requires a commitment and a contribution from every segment of the District. The general responsibilities for the prompt and effective implementation of this Plan are set forth below.

A. Board of Trustees:

The ultimate authority and responsibility for implementing the Plan provisions and the equal employment opportunity regulations of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations vests in the Board of Trustees of the North Orange County Community College District.

The Governing Board is ultimately responsible for making measurable progress toward equal employment opportunity by the strategies described in the District’s EEO plan. The Governing Board is responsible for adopting a plan that is in compliance with the provisions of the California Code of Regulations. Further, the Board of Trustees will oversee the Chancellor’s responsibility to ensure that the EEO Plan shall:

  1. Be developed in collaboration with the District’s Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee;
  2. Be reviewed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees where it is agendized as a separate action item;
  3. Cover a period of 3 years, after which a new or revised plan shall be adopted; and
  4. Be submitted to the State Chancellor’s Office at least 90 days prior to its adoption. Comments received from the Chancellor’s Office on the proposed plan must be presented to the governing board prior to adoption.

See Section 53003 a) and Section 53020 (a).

B. Chancellor:

The Board of Trustees delegates to the Chancellor the overall responsibility for ongoing implementation of the Plan and for providing leadership in supporting the District’s equal employment opportunity policies and procedures at all levels of District and college operations in compliance with the equal employment opportunity provisions of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.

C. District Director, Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion

The District Director, Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion (hereafter “DCI Director”) is designated as the District’s Equal Opportunity Officer and has operational authority for the implementation of the Plan. The DCI Director is responsible for providing leadership in the day-to-day administration and monitoring of the Plan in compliance with equal employment opportunity provisions of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Operational implementation includes but is not limited to:

  • In collaboration with the District Director, Research, Planning, and Data Management, overseeing the collection and lawful use of longitudinal data analysis, as well as data reporting as required. This includes ensuring that employee/applicant demographic data is not available to selection committees or otherwise utilized in making individual employment decisions;
  • Require that those involved in the implementation of the EEO Plan including the EEO Advisory Committee, and those serving on screening committees receive ongoing training regarding EEO hiring and the EEO Plan in compliance with Title 5 and this EEO Plan;
  • General oversight of the implementation of the EEO Plan.

D. District Director, EEO and Compliance:

District Director, EEO and Compliance (hereafter “EEO Director”) The EEO Director will be responsible for receiving and investigating complaints, as provided in this Plan, by individuals who believe that the District has violated the equal employment opportunity regulations of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. The actual acceptance and investigation of complaints may be assigned to other personnel officers of the District with direct responsibility to the EEO Director.

  • Developing and implementing Hiring Procedures consistent with the EEO Plan;
  • Serve as a resource to the District Director, Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion, as a member of the EEO Advisory Committee, and campus diversity committee in relation to the implementation of EEO initiatives, including but not limited to the District’s EEO Plan.

E. Agents of the District:

Any organization or individual, whether or not an employee of the District, who acts on behalf of the Board of Trustees with regard to the recruitment and screening of personnel, is an agent of the District and is subject to the equal employment opportunity provisions of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.

F. Good Faith Effort:

The District shall make a continuous good faith effort to comply with the requirements of the Plan.

G. Accountability and Corrective Action

The District shall certify annually to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges that they have timely:

  • Recorded, reviewed and reported the data required regarding qualified applicant pools;
  • Reviewed and updated, as needed, the Strategies Component of the district’s EEO Plan; and
  • Investigated.

Upon review of a District’s certification, data reports, or any complaint filed, the State Chancellor may review a District’s EEO Plan and Strategies Component for the required indicia of institutionalized and on-going efforts to support diversity and/or District’s compliance. Where the State Chancellor finds that the District’s efforts have been insufficient, they will inform the District of his/her specific area(s) of concern and direct the District to submit a revised EEO Plan within 120 days. Upon review of the revised EEO Plan, the State Chancellor will either:

A. Determine the revisions are sufficient, and provide a deadline by which the District must provide proof that the new measures have been implemented; or

B. Find that the revised Plan is still lacking and will direct the District to implement specific measures from those listed in Title 5, section 53024.1, and provide a timeline for doing so.

[Reference – Title 5 § 53005]

The District has established an Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee to assist the District in developing and implementing the District’s Equal Employment Opportunity Plan, help formulate and recommend activities to promote diversity, inclusion, and cultural competence district wide. The committee may also assist in promoting an understanding and support of equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policies and procedures. The committee may work in coordination with other groups on campus to sponsor events, training, or other activities that promote equal employment opportunity, nondiscrimination, inclusion, retention, and diversity. The committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.

The committee shall be comprised of the following:

  • District Director, Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion (Chair of the Committee)
  • District Director, EEO and Compliance
  • One member appointed by each College Diversity Committee;
  • One faculty appointed from each Academic Senate;
  • One classified employee from each campus appointed by CSEA;
  • One management employee, appointed by the District Management Association;
  • One confidential employee, appointed by the Confidential Employees Group;
  • One District Services employee, appointed by the Chancellor;
  • One student representative from each college, appointed by the Associated Students;
  • One student representative from North Orange Continuing Education, appointed by the Student Leadership Program; and
  • Two community representatives, appointed by the Chancellor.

The committee shall meet at least two times per semester. Additional meetings will be scheduled if needed to review equal employment opportunity and diversity efforts, programs, policies, and progress of the District. Committee members from each campus shall serve for a two-year term.

It is understood that continuity of attendees and regular attendance facilitate the productivity and progress of the committee. Members will make reasonable efforts to attend. However, each appointing body identified above may also, at its discretion, appoint an alternate to attend a meeting; the member will make every effort to inform the alternate of progress made at the last meeting.

[Reference – Title 5, §§ 53003(c) (2), and 53026]

The District has established the following process permitting any person to file a complaint alleging that the requirements of the equal employment opportunity regulations have been violated. The procedures for filing an employment discrimination complaint are found at: https://www.nocccd.edu/how-to-file-a-complaint-430. Any person who believes that the equal employment opportunity regulations have been violated may file a complaint, using the process described below.

A. The complaint may be written or verbal and shall be filed with the District Director, EEO and Compliance, District Office of Human Resources, Anaheim Campus, 1830 W. Romneya Drive, Anaheim, CA 92801-1819. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted.

B. The complaint must allege a violation of the equal employment opportunity regulations under section 53000 et seq. of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, and shall set forth the facts that explain the basis of the alleged violation, including, but not limited to, the name(s) of the individual(s) involved, the date(s) of the event(s) at issue, and a detailed description of the actions constituting the alleged violation.

C. The complaint must be filed within 180 days of the date the alleged unlawful discrimination occurred.

D. Defective Complaint: The District may return without action any complaint which it finds does not meet the above-referenced requirements, or on the basis of any of the following:

  1. Identical Title 5 allegations have previously been investigated and resolved;
  2. The allegations are a continuation of a pattern of previously filed complaints involving the same or similar allegations that have been determined by the District to be factually or legally unsubstantiated;
  3. The complaint is unintelligible or does not state a clear violation of the equal employment opportunity regulations;
  4. The complaint fails to allege facts that explain the basis for the alleged violation.

E. If a complaint is returned as defective, the District shall notify the complainant as to the way the complaint is defective.

F. Where a complaint is not defective, a written determination on all accepted written complaints will be issued to the complainant within ninety (90) days of the filing of the complaint. If this is not practical, a written notification will be provided to the complainant as to the reasons for the extension and estimated date of completion.

The complainant can appeal the determination to the board of trustees, but cannot appeal the board’s decision to the State Chancellor’s Office. The determination of the District with respect to complaints filed pursuant to this procedure shall be final.

[Reference – Title 5 § 53003 (c) (3)]

The EEO Plan will be posted on the District’s website. Within ninety (90) days after the date of adoption by the governing board, employees of the District will be provided with electronic notice of the provisions of the Plan and the District’s Board Policy 7100 Commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Policy Statement, including the website link to these documents. New employees will be provided with such notice when they commence their employment with the District.

Each year, the District will inform all employees of the Plan. The annual notice will contain the following provisions:

  • The importance of the employee’s participation and responsibility in ensuring the Plan’s
  • implementation;
  • The availability of the Plan on the District website, at the Office of the Chancellor, College Presidents, Vice President for Student Services at each campus, and the Office of Human Resources.
  • In addition to the District website, the EEO plan will be posted on each individual college website.

[Title 5 § 53003 (c) (4)]

Any person, whether or not an employee of the District, who is involved in the recruitment, screening, selection or other hiring process for District personnel as well as the District’s Board of Trustees (Section 53005) shall participate in interactive training within 24 months prior to performing these duties. The training shall cover all of the following:

  • The requirements of the Title 5 regulations regarding equal employment opportunity (Section 53000 et. seq.)
  • Federal and state law regarding nondiscrimination in employment
  • The requirements of the District’s EEO Plan
  • The District’s policies on nondiscrimination, recruitment, and hiring
  • The educational benefits of workforce diversity
  • The importance of equity and inclusion
  • The elimination of bias in hiring decisions
  • Best practices in serving on a selection or screening committee
  • Culturally responsive teaching practices and micro-aggressions

Equal Employment Opportunity Representatives who serve on screening committees shall participate in specialized training entitled Hiring Guidelines and EEO/Diversity Search Committee Training. The trainings shall be interactive and shall cover all of the topics listed above. Additionally, all managers shall complete EEO/Diversity Search Committee Training for EEO Representatives & Managers every two years.

These trainings are mandatory; individuals who have not completed these trainings within the last 24 months will not be allowed to serve on hiring committees. Any individual, whether an employee of the District, or an individual acting on behalf of the District, with regard to recruitment and hiring of employees is subject to the equal employment opportunity requirements of Title 5 § 53020(c) and the District’s Plan. The trainings will be provided by the District Office of Human Resources.

The District shall include a diverse membership whenever possible, to ensure a variety of perspectives are included in the assessment of applicants, as listed in Section 53024 (e.)

[Title 5 § 53003 (c) (5)]

The DCI Director will provide annual written notice concerning the Plan to appropriate community-based and professional organizations that may be of assistance as recruitment sources in identifying qualified applicants. The notice will include:

  • The internet address where it can be located;
  • Information regarding access to position advertisements on the District’s website;
  • Other relevant sources of employment information such as the Human Resources Department phone number for employment information.

The District will actively seek to reach a diverse selection of recruitment sources, such as various institutions, organizations, and agencies. A list of organizations that will receive this notice, is attached as Appendix A of this Plan. This list may be revised from time to time, as necessary.

[Title 5 §§ 53003 (c) (6), and 53004]

The District is required to collect longitudinal data, to identify any underrepresented groups, and to conduct a Title 5 adverse impact analysis using the numerical data.

The DCI Director, in collaboration with the District Director, Research, Planning, and Data Management, will annually collect employee demographic data at Cypress College, Fullerton College, North Orange Continuing Education, and the District Office. The DCI Director, in collaboration with the District Director, Research, Planning, and Data Management, shall prepare an adverse impact analysis of the number of persons from monitored groups in each of the following job categories:

  1. Executive / Administrative / Managerial
  2. Faculty and other Instructional Staff
  3. Professional Nonfaculty
  4. Secretarial / Clerical
  5. Technical and Paraprofessional
  6. Skilled Crafts
  7. Service Maintenance

Monitored groups are gender: men, women, and non-binary; race/ethnicity: American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, White; veterans, and people with disabilities. The District should also consider all areas of diversity.

The DCI Director shall also monitor initial and qualified applicant pools for employment on an ongoing basis. The DCI Director shall use this data to evaluate the District’s progress in implementing the Plan, and to provide data needed for the reports required by the Plan. Data shall be maintained year-to-year and longitudinal analysis shall be conducted where there is at least three years of data to review, or sooner if the DCI Director concludes that there is sufficient data for the analysis to be meaningful.

In order to encourage self-reporting by employees and applicants, each applicant and employee shall be requested to identify their gender (including non-binary options), ethnic group identification, veteran status, and disability status, and other diversity categories. The data collection instrument will clearly notify applicants/employees that this information is kept confidential; is not utilized in making any individual employment decisions or viewed by those making such decision; and is separated from the applications that are forwarded to the screening/interview committee and hiring administrator(s).

The District’s applicant pool and workforce analysis reports are located at: https://www.nocccd.edu/diversity-report.

The District will conduct an adverse impact analyses using the 80% rule and include the results in future Diversity reports, beginning with the 2024 Diversity Report.

Based on the adverse impact analyses, we will adjust the overall recruitment efforts.

[Title 5 § 53003 (c) (10)]

The District recognizes that for an EEO Plan to be successful, it must first dedicate the necessary resources to its implementation. As such, the District has created the position of District Director, Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion. This position shall be responsible for the monitoring and implementation of this EEO Plan. Further, the strategies identified here will receive visible support from District leaders at the District and college levels.

The District is required to collect longitudinal data, to identify any underrepresented groups, and to conduct a Title 5 adverse impact analysis using numerical data. The District recognizes that Section 53004 (a) requires that the selection process of applicants will not create a disparate impact for monitored groups. The selection of applicants is measured upon hire. However, it is understood that current job assignments demonstrate some groups to be disproportionally represented due to hiring patterns from the past. The District’s intent going forward is to directly address any disparate impact using the 80% rule as a measure to identify underrepresentation within the groups.

Additionally, the District recognizes that effective strategies and practices that foster EEO and diversity are sustained, data driven, comprehensive, and implemented at all levels of the institution. In order to carry out a broad-based, comprehensive approach, the District has identified four key approaches to promoting EEO and diversity hiring and commits in this Plan to efforts within each of these key areas. The four key areas are:

1). The District evaluates availability, workforce utilization, applicant pools, qualified applicant pools, hiring outcomes, and hiring process outcomes by race, ethnicity, and gender identity to determine whether and where opportunities to positively impact workforce diversity exist.

· The District also examines data longitudinally, disaggregating by race, ethnicity, etc to identify gaps and make efforts to rectify any adverse impact.

2) The District analyzes its workforce composition, applicant pools, qualified applicant pools, and hiring process phases to identify underutilization and barriers to greater workforce diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, and gender identity.

3) Underrepresentation will be measured by comparing the percentage of individuals from a monitored group with the District’s projected representation for the same group. Projected representation will be determined by creating a composite availability statistic for race, ethnicity, and gender identity combining the District’s student population, local community, state of California, and United States demographics as follows:

  • Student population: 60% weight
  • Local community population: 25% weight
  • State of California population: 10% weight
  • United States population: 5% weight

100% total

4) Evaluating the tenure and retention process, including on-boarding, probationary evaluations, and the efforts of professional learning/development. These should be evaluated every three to five years.

For the 2023-2026, the District will institute the four categories below promoting EEO and diversity identified.

A. Data Collection & Analysis

B. Building an Inclusive Workplace Environment

C. Building Qualified & Diverse Applicant Pools

D. Identification & Attenuation of Bias & its Impact in the Selection Process

A. Data Collection and Analysis - Ongoing Activities

1. Campus Climate Survey

a. Campus Climate Surveys (student and employee surveys) will continue to be conducted at all institutions and this data will then be analyzed by the District Director of Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion. This data will be used to implement changes in planning and institutional effectiveness related to EEO.

b. Campus Climate Surveys should be conducted every 2 years.

c. Data from the Campus Climate Surveys will be accessible and available to the public.

d. Campus Climate Survey Data will be analyzed and reported to the board in the Annual Institutional Commitment to Diversity report, with data/information provided by each campus. Please visit this link to the Annual Institutional Commitment to Diversity Report: https://www.nocccd.edu/diversity-report.

2. Exit Survey

a. The District shall administer an exit survey for all voluntary and involuntary resignations/retirements.

b. Exit Survey Data will be analyzed and reported to the board in the Annual Institutional Commitment to Diversity report. Please visit this link to the Annual Institutional Commitment to Diversity Report: https://www.nocccd.edu/diversity-report.

3. The District will continue to disaggregate faculty demographics by division and department to determine whether underrepresentation exists. (at least every two but no more than three)

4. The District should expand the categories of surveys to include various marginalized groups such as gender: men, women, and non-binary; race/ethnicity: American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, White; veterans, and people with disabilities, as well as consideration for all socioeconomic statuses, and religious affiliations.

5. District Services and each college will evaluate and assess the diversity of its vendors and business contracts. Ensure DEIAA efforts are centered in all areas of the District.

B. Building an Inclusive Workplace Environment - Ongoing Activities

1. Provide Professional Development opportunities that include, but are not limited to, diversity and equity through the Pluralism, Inclusion & Equity (P.I.E.) Series, supported by the Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Fellow Program.

(1) Assess the effectiveness of District programs and create strategies as needed to promote improvement. These include: the Leadership Academy and Mentorship Programs, Classified Professional Training Academy, Management Training Academy offered through the Office of Professional Development. Each program must include diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and anti-racism training.

(2) Assess the effectiveness of programs offered by the office of Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion. These include: Future Instructor Program, Excellence in Curriculum Transformation, Pluralism, Inclusion & Equity (P.I.E.) Series, etc.

(3) Explore recruitment practices for Faculty & Classified Fellows. Create job descriptions and trainings for these, as well as a probationary period which includes mentoring.

2. The District will provide recurring activities that foster interest, understanding, and that embrace cultural and historical richness.

3. District to support representatives from each institution to attend trainings/workshops related to DEIAA. At the completion of the training/workshop, participants must share resources with District employees.

4. Director of Diversity, Culture, & Inclusion, in collaboration with the District Director, Research Planning, and Data Management, presents an Annual Institutional Commitment to Diversity Report to the Board of Trustees with the understanding that transparency promotes shared, institutional interest and inquiry. Please visit this link to the Annual Institutional Commitment to Diversity Report: https://www.nocccd.edu/diversity-report.

5. In an effort to build an inclusive work environment, this plan supports activities that promote social justice and inclusive educational and work environment. Such an environment will be more attractive to future employees who are likely to promote the awareness and significance of the diversity of community college students we serve. The District believes that this can have a positive effect on its efforts to recruit diverse applicant pools and retain diverse employees.

6. Community building and promoting social justice efforts. Increase the collaboration with Faculty and Staff Associations and provide support (including financial and fair compensation) for faculty of color and other underrepresented groups, from the Office of Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion.

(1) Recommend that representation of Faculty and Staff Association be included in shared-governance processes.

(2) Continue to support and increase funding as required for the Diversity & Inclusion Faculty Fellows Program.

(3) Continue to support and increase funding as required for the Excellence Curriculum Transformation Seminar, Future Instructor Training Program, Pluralism, Inclusion, & Equity Series.

7. Analyze and make necessary changes to the Institutional Commitment to Diversity report, including a broader view of more nuanced perspective of diversity.

C. Building Qualified and Diverse Applicant Pools - Ongoing Activities

1. Identify gaps from the data and address such gaps. Make efforts to recruit populations where underrepresentation exists, for example among the Latin@/x population.

2. Continued review of recruitment efforts to determine measures to attract a diverse pool for each discipline/position.

3. Continue to develop a list of professional affinity groups, list-servs, and other cost- free locations to advertise positions that will attract diverse applicants.

4. Improve the District’s branding by creating promotional material and videos that portray the District’s diversity and highlight DEIAA efforts.

5. Provide “Hire Me” Trainings to prospective faculty, managers, and classified applicants on the application process and interview process.

6. Instituting mechanisms for giving meaningful consideration to applicants’ demonstrated sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students.

7. Utilize job fairs (local, regional and/or state-wide recruitment organizations)

8. Utilize CCC Registry (or other centralized state-wide or national recruitment web-based links/organizations)

9. Highlight the District’s diverse student body, its EEO efforts and policies, and its commitment to diversity and inclusive work culture in job postings and other publications.

10. Continue fostering relationships with higher educational institutions and professional organizations.

11. Continue to support and increase funding as needed for the Future Instructor Training Program as a permanent program offered by the Office of Diversity, Culture and Inclusion with an allocated budget.

12. Develop or expand on this program to target other specific needed areas, such as “Future Counselors and/or Librarians Training Program.”

D. Identification and Attenuation of Bias and Its Impact in the Selection Process Ongoing Activities

1. District Director, Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion or representative will train staff on EEO, diversity, inclusivity, cultural competence, and elimination of bias. The training attendees will be entered into the Vision Resource Center/Learning Management System for reporting purposes.

2. Training will occur across the institution on EEO hiring and elimination of bias, and the laws prohibiting discrimination in employment, including for:

i. The Board of Trustees
ii. EEO Advisory Committee
iii. Screening/selection committees
iv. Screening/selection committee EEO representative
v. All managers
vi. Anyone involved in the screening/selection process

3. Data will be collected and analyzed regarding all initial and qualified applicant pools to identify possible underrepresentation and irrational barriers to employment.

4. Trained EEO representatives will participate on each screening /selection committee to assist the committee in compliance with this EEO Plan, the District’s hiring procedures, the law related to EEO hiring, and to ensure equity, inclusion and diversity hiring criteria are followed. Unless the hiring procedures state otherwise, the EEO representative serves as a non-voting member on manager/administrator screening/selection committees and as a voting member on faculty and classified screening/selection committees. The EEO representative may fully participate in discussions regarding the qualifications of applicants while serving on screening/selection committees.

5. Job descriptions will be regularly reviewed and updated.

The District will continue to develop, implement, evaluate, and revise its multiple methods to increase the likelihood the EEO Plan results in positive progress towards a more diverse workforce.

The strategic focus for the 2023-2026 EEO Plan will be working with the District and campus-level leadership and other stakeholders to meet the goals listed on the following page.