Colleagues of the Year winners with President Valentina Purtell

NOCE 2023/24 Colleague of the Year Awards

Pragyee Mool, Jennifer Oo, Marlo Smith, and Courtnie Voet are the latest recipients of the 2023/24 Colleagues of the Year awards for North Orange Continuing Education.

Congratulations to the four NOCE employees who were nominated by their peers and selected as the 2023/24 Colleagues of the Year. The awards were announced at the 2024 Opening Day event on Friday, August 9, 2024. Colleagues of the Year are recognized for their student-centered nature, innovation, customer service, collaboration, and excellence in their position.

The awards went to Pragyee Mool, Administrative Assistant II for the Office of Institutional Research and Planning; Jennifer Oo, Professor for the Career Technical Education Program; Marlo Smith, Adjunct Faculty Member for the English as a Second Language/Citizenship Program; and Courtnie Voet, Student Services Specialist for the Disability Support Services Program.

Check our their bios on the NOCE website.

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