Supporting Undocumented Students & Marginalized Student Groups (Part 1 of a 2-part series)

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Join us in our first part of two sessions in which we will engage in a focused discussion on shared themes and experiences within our undocumented students, families, and communities.

Professor Esther Villegas-Sandoval from College of the Sequoias will outline seven (7) major shared themes in this session, including: the coming out and "the undocumented closet"; the various stages of fear; inconsistent communication with parents; and much, much more. In addition, the presenter will discuss the different types of trauma the undocumented community experiences (pre-journey, in-journey, post-journey), as well as how their trauma can be understood as chronic and insidious (and even complex!). She will also explain the difference between types of traumas that exist. As this workshop will focus more on experiences and trauma, there will also be an exploration of foundational allyship and the true meaning of the monarch butterflies as a symbolic sign of solidarity and support.

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