Educational Services
About Educational Services at NOCCCD
The Educational Services Department ensures that all students have access to rigorous, engaging curriculum and instruction. We provide programs and support to help students, staff, and communities develop the skills and strategies necessary for success.
Our focus is on ensuring that all students reach high academic levels and achieve their educational and personal goals. We coordinate the development of curriculum, instructional programs, and well-rounded support to engage students in exceptional educational experiences.
The Division provides overall coordination in the planning, development and implementation of the instructional and student support programs of the District including the areas of research; articulation; accreditation; strategic planning; workforce and economic development; and educational technology.
The Vice Chancellor of Educational Services & Technology also acts as a liaison between the District and the campuses in matters relating to educational services and accreditation and chairs or co-chairs the District Curriculum Coordinating Committee (DCCC), the District Technology Committee (DTC), and the Institutional Effectiveness Coordinating Council (IECC).
Programs and Curriculum at NOCCCD

Instruction and Student Success
At the North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD), which includes Cypress College, Fullerton College and North Orange Continuing Education, our highly trained and dedicated faculty design and deliver well-thought-out curriculum and a comprehensive range of programs to empower students for success.
Educational Services Departments

Research and Data Management
The Educational Services and Technology Department is dedicated to supporting NOCCCD through the collection, analysis, and reporting of accurate and comprehensive data and statistics.

Grants and Resource Development
NOCCCD’s Grants and Resource Development Department provides grant development and grant management services and resources to Cypress College, Fullerton College, North Orange Continuing Education, and the District Office.

Workforce and Economic Development
The Workforce and Economic Development Division (WEDD) is guided by the California Community College's Vision 2030, and supports the District’s commitment to ensure equity, access, and opportunity through career education.
About Educational Services
- Accreditation Compliance: We coordinate District and campus accreditation compliance.
- Research and Student Success: We manage District research functions, coordinate college research efforts, and foster a culture of evidence-based, data-inforrmed decision-making by providing accurate, comprehensive, and equity-focused data, promoting student success.
- Enrollment Management: We provide leadership and coordination in enrollment management and distance education programs.
- Educational Partnerships: We coordinate relationships with colleges, universities, local high schools, and regional occupational programs.
- Workforce Preparation: We collaborate with regional businesses and industry for workforce preparation programs.
- Committees and Task Forces: We chair committees addressing academic calendar, curriculum and program development, research and institutional effectiveness, District strategic planning, and distance education.
- Resource Acquisition: We help secure additional funding for program development and implementation.
- Improved Outcomes: Enhancing student outcomes in core content areas and improving goal attainment
- College and Career Readiness: Ensuring readiness for college and careers
- Equity and Access: Closing achievement and access gaps
- Innovative Instruction: Developing 21st-century learners through innovative instructional experiences
Our Partnership Programs
The District maintains partnerships that help it reach and better serve a greater population of students. These partnerships help the further NOCCCD's goal of providing opportunities to a diverse population and improving educational outcomes for all.
Educational Services and Technology