NOCCCD is celebrating California Community Colleges Month in April by sparking awareness among current and prospective students about career training programs, guaranteed transfer to participating four-year universities, availability of year-round financial aid, and basic needs support to help students start or continue their higher education journey.
Among the highlights of California Community Colleges Month is Black Student Success Week, which is being celebrated statewide from April 24 through April 28 and exemplifies the year-round academic, support programs, and resources available to students. This year's theme is "Vision to Action: Building Systems and Structures for Black Student Success," and includes daily webinars for students and practitioners. Webinar registration is now open. Click here to register! Follow Black Student Success Week on Twitter for updates and more information.
California's community colleges provide the kind of high-quality, affordable education and workforce training opportunities that are profoundly impacting the economy. According to a 2022 EMSI Burning Glass report, the state's community colleges have a combined annual economic impact of $128.2 billion. The average community college graduate with an associate degree will see an increase in earnings of $11,100 annually when compared to a person with a high school diploma or equivalent. And those with a bachelor's degree earn 84% more over a lifetime than workers with a high school diploma.
Students can enroll online through Cypress College, Fullerton College, NOCE, or the CCCApply website. In addition, the California Community College's website offers information on career education programs, guaranteed transfer to a saved spot at participating four-year universities and links to financial aid applications.