Goals for Institutional Effectiveness
The Board will make teaching/learning and student success in line with the goals of the California Community Colleges Vision 2030 a top priority. (NOCCCD Strategic Direction – Student Experience & Success)
- Establish specific District Goals for improvement in the number of students receiving degrees, certificates, and becoming transfer-ready by establishing baseline measurements for these important student success indicators.
- Use the baseline measurements for college-identified groups developed in 2023 to set goals for closing achievement gaps in the 2023-24 academic year.
- Focus on reducing equity gaps for student success.
The Board will emphasize access through enrollment restoration and growth.
- Work to help students make informed decisions regarding CTE and Transfer pathways.
- Make students aware of support services including tutoring, assessment, disabled student support and transportation.
- Enhance marketing and communication with students and potential students to make them aware of educational opportunities.
- Encourage dual enrollment and the Community College Baccalaureate.
The Board will continue to support an inclusive environment in the District. The desired environment is sensitive to diversity, inclusion, and equity in every respect. (NOCCCD Strategic Directions – Student Experience & Success and Employee Experience)
The Board will encourage greater expansion of community partnerships especially with local K-12 school districts, business and industry and elected officials, non-profits, and cities. (NOCCCD Strategic Direction – Collective Impact & Partnerships)
The Board will assess the status of planning for threats to the operation of the District including (but not limited to) earthquakes, cyber-attack, fire, power outage, weather-related emergencies, active shooter incidents, and medical emergencies. (NOCCCD Strategic Direction – Physical Environment)
The Board will reconsider existing plans for the physical environment in light of the impact the pandemic has had on the method of delivery of instruction. (NOCCCD Strategic Direction – Physical Environment)
The Board will facilitate a process by which Cypress College, Fullerton College, and NOCE will maintain full accreditation status. (NOCCCD Strategic Direction – Student Experience and Success)
Goals for Board Effectiveness
The Board will strive to develop a unified set of messages they can deliver in their work in the community and the District to more consistently tell the story of the District and colleges.
The Board will work to improve the new Trustee orientation program.
The Board will continue scheduling routine training including for the Brown Act, Sexual Harassment, and Board Ethics, as well as continue robust attendance and participation in external professional development activities.
Goals for Student Success
The Board's student success goals will be in alignment with the aspirational goals established by the CCCCO's Vision 2030: A Roadmap for California Community Colleges which builds on the foundation of the Vision for Success (2017) and the governor's "Multi-Year Roadmap" (2022), which aims to increase by at least 20 percent, annually, the number of California Community College students who acquire associate degrees, credentials, certificates, or specific skill sets that prepare them for an in-demand job. Since the NOCCCD Board Student Success Goals are aligned with the CCCCO Vision 2030 Goals, the NOCCCD Board goals also take into account establishing and monitoring equitable outcomes for all students.
Baseline Metrics – (Goal is to increase by 10%)
Among all students enrolled in Cypress and Fullerton Colleges in 2021–22, the number of students who earned any associate degree was 3,151. A 10% increase to 3,151 is 3,466.
Among all students enrolled in Cypress and Fullerton Colleges in 2021 – 22, the number of students who earned a CCCCO approved credit certificate is 2,998. A 10% increase to 2,998 is 3,297.
Among all students who enrolled at NOCE in Basic Skills, CTE, or ESL courses in 2021-22, the number of students who received a CDCP certificate or High School (HS) diploma was 631. A 10% increase to 631 is 694.
Vision 2030 has the goal of, over a five-year period, increasing by 35 percent (or 7% per year over a five-year period) the number of California Community College students transferring annually to a UC or CSU. The number of students who earned 12 or more credit units at any time and at any campus of NOCCCD, up to and including 2020-21, who exited the community college system, and who enrolled in a four-year institution in 2020-21 (2021-2022 data unavailable as of November 2023) is 3,518. A 10% increase to 3,518 is 3,869.
Consistent with Vision 2030, and keeping equity as the main focus of the Board's student success work, all metrics will be disaggregated by underrepresented students of color, first -generation status, low-income status, gender, and students with disabilities. The ultimate goal is to fully close equity gaps for all students.