2021-2030 Master Plan and Refresh
Welcome to the North Orange County Community College District's webpages detailing the planning process for the 2021-2030 NOCCCD Educational and Facilities Master Plan. The purpose of the Educational and Facilities Master Plan is to provide a working vision for the future growth and development of the District and its three campuses through the year 2030.
The 2020-30 NOCCCD Educational and Facilities Master Plan was originally crafted during the onset of a global pandemic, at a time when the world faced unprecedented uncertainties. As the District exited from the emergency issues that surrounded COVID-19, it became apparent that we needed to revisit some of the directional findings in the 2020-30 Master Plan.and update them considering the current realities of the higher education landscape.
As a result, at its May 23, 2023, meeting the NOCCCD Board of Trustees approved a contract with Brailsford & Dunleavey—the consulting group that helped the District compile the original Educational and Facilities Master Plan (EFMP) in 2019-2020—to refresh and update certain sections of the Master Plan. An EMFP Refresh Steering Committee was formed and commissioned with the following goals:
At its February 27, 2024 meeting, the NOCCCD Board of Trustees approved the Educational and Facilities Master Plan Refresh.